Here on the Hohe Acht, the highest mountain in the Eifel, you have the opportunity to do just that! In the search for the topographical highlights of this landscape, it is often volcanoes that have taken top positions. The Hohe Acht is also a volcanic cone that has worked its way through the old mountain trunk with its basalt vent and now towers 50 meters above it.
All that remains of the old mountain range, which once had alpine peaks, is the base. Millions of years have gnawed away at it and leveled it into a plateau dissected by long ridges.
As a result, many of the Eifel's peaks hardly stand out as striking individual points in the panorama. Only when we have to climb a ridge from the steep valleys do the peaks gain the necessary respect. “Hu-ac” - high peak - was the name given to the Hohe Acht by the Celts, because for them too it was one of the few prominent peaks in the ancient mountain range.
The forest path on the opposite side of the road takes you to the summit with its viewing tower and magnificent panoramic views across the Eifel to the Westerwald and Hunsrück.